Academic Freedom and Tenure

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Meharry Medical College

Report dealing with issues of faculty with primarily clinical duties financial exigency, due process, academic freedom,tenure, and faculty government at Meharry Medical College, one of four historically black medical schools in the United States

Academic Freedom and Tenure: City University of New York

Report discussing the decision made by the central administration of the City University of New York and deals with the issues of academic freedom, due process, collective bargaining, and national security.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Benedict College

Report dealing with academic freedom, tenure, and administration-directed grade changes at Benedict College.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: University of the Cumberlands

Report dealing with resignation, dismissal, and academic freedom at Cumberland College, a religiously affiliated institution.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Greenville College

Report concerning due process and academic freedom at Greenville College, a religiously affiliated institution.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: New Mexico Highlands University

Report concerning tenure denial, academic freedom, due process and the role of faculty in governance at New Mexico Highlands University

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Virginia State University

Report dealing with actions taken by the administration of Virginia State University to dismiss two tenured members of the faculty after subjecting each of them to a post-tenure review process.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Philander Smith College

Report concerning the dismissal of a professor on stated grounds of insubordination; the termination of the appointments of four other full-time faculty members on stated grounds of need to reduce the size of the college's faculty and staff; and the earlier termination of the services of a program director who sought the assistance of the Association based upon her faculty function of teaching courses at the college.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Our Lady of Holy Cross College

Report discussing issues including campus procedures, the president’s reasons for dismissing a faculty member, and the effect of the dismissal on academic freedom at Our Lady of Holy Cross College.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: University of Dubuque

Report examining the University of Dubuque's termination of tenured faculty, the faculty's role in the process, and faculty governance.


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