Academe, the magazine of the American Association of University Professors, welcomes proposals for feature articles and book reviews as well as submissions of opinion columns.
Academe explores a wide range of topics in higher education. Our readership includes faculty members, academic professionals, and graduate students from many different disciplines as well as academic leaders, policy makers, and media professionals involved in higher education issues and policy. Academe seeks to publish compellingly written, rigorous, salient, and original articles on the critical issues facing higher education.
Submission of an article, column, or book review (including by invitation) does not guarantee its acceptance; Academe is under no requirement to accept any submission. Accepted articles may be published in print or as online-only features. Decisions about the placement of articles will be made by the editors. All authors will be expected to sign a standard copyright transfer form prior to publication.
Submissions should not include defamatory statements or raise other significant legal concerns. Promotion or criticism of candidates running for office in local, state, or national AAUP elections is not allowed in the magazine; neither is misrepresentation of AAUP policy. Commentary on higher education news and other pieces that may become quickly outdated can be submitted to Academe Blog.
Academe discourages the following:
Submissions primarily devoted to specific ongoing disputes involving individuals and their colleges or universities, except in cases of national significance. In such cases, submissions should focus on the wider implications and lessons.
Submissions that are primarily focused on another national higher education group or union.
Submissions primarily devoted to specific ongoing disputes involving individuals and AAUP entities including chapters, conferences, or affiliates. However, productive self-reflection and critique of an AAUP entity’s successes and failures are welcome.
Submissions of material previously published elsewhere. Such submissions must be clearly marked as previously published material.
We require authors to disclose financial interests that could be perceived as influencing the submission of an article. Financial interests include compensation provided by other organizations in exchange for publication in Academe. Such interests may be noted at the time of publication.
If you have a topic in mind, please prepare a brief proposal detailing your specific qualifications to write on the topic, what your approach will be, and how your article will distinguish itself from other coverage of the issue. Article proposals should be sent to [email protected].
Length: We publish articles of a variety of lengths, from 1,000 to up to 4,000 words.
Review Process: Reviewers may include the managing editor, members of the editorial advisory board, and the associate editors. Academe is not a peer-reviewed publication.
Editing: Accepted submissions are edited by the managing editor and other editorial staff.
Style: Academe follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition.
Biographical Statement: Include a one- or two-sentence biographical statement and indicate whether you would like your email address published.
Notes: Academe articles generally do not include endnotes or footnotes. If and when possible, identify cited works in the text of the article. Links to sources can also be embedded in the online versions of articles. Avoid bibliographies and lengthy parenthetical references.
Contact Information: Please provide home and office addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses with your submission. It is important for Academe to have these details in one place so that authors can be contacted in a timely manner.
For further information, write to [email protected].
Book Reviews
Academe does not accept unsolicited book review submissions, but proposals for book reviews can be sent to [email protected].
Review copies should be sent to Michael Ferguson, Managing Editor, Academe, AAUP, 555 New Jersey Ave NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC, 20001.
Opinion Columns
Academe’s Faculty Forum is a one-page opinion column open to all faculty members, academic professionals, and graduate students who belong to the AAUP. Nonmembers may submit columns but will be expected to join the Association before publication.
Contributions to Faculty Forum should address issues of concern to a wide range of Academe readers, including academics from many different disciplines and others interested in higher education issues and policy.
Submissions should adopt a clear point of view and be written in a lively, nontechnical style. They must maintain a collegial tone and be interesting, insightful, and original. In evaluating submissions, the editors will seek a broad representation of institutional types, regions of the country, and ranks in the profession, giving priority to voices that are often marginalized within the profession.
Faculty Forum submissions should be approximately 700 words in length and should not include subheadings, endnotes, tables, or similar attributes. We do not accept submissions that have been previously published elsewhere.
Submit columns to [email protected].