The AAUP has hired Mia McIver as our new executive director. McIver brings to the AAUP a wealth of experience in organizing faculty members and a record of enacting legal, political, and media strategies that empower all higher education workers. A long-time member of the AAUP, she is committed to supporting staff, AAUP chapters, and state conferences in vigorously promoting the AAUP’s core values of shared governance and academic freedom. McIver will work from both Washington, DC, and Los Angeles in order to strengthen the AAUP from coast to coast.
- About
- Programs
- Issues
- Academic Freedom
- Resources on Collective Bargaining
- Shared Governance
- Campus Protests
- Faculty Compensation
- Political Interference in Higher Ed
- Racial Justice
- Diversity in Higher Ed
- Financial Crisis
- Privatization and OPMs
- Contingent Faculty Positions
- Tenure
- Workplace Issues
- Gender and Sexuality in Higher Ed
- Targeted Harassment
- Intellectual Property & Copyright
- Civility
- The Family and Medical Leave Act
- Pregnancy in the Academy
- Publications
- Data
- News
- Membership
- Chapters