The AAUP's Policy Documents and Reports (widely known as the "Redbook" because of the color of its cover) presents in convenient format a wide range of policies. The forthcoming new edition, the twelfth—available for preorder now, with an official publication date of April 22, 2025—includes basic statements on academic freedom, tenure, and due process; academic governance; professional ethics; research and teaching; online education; intellectual property; discrimination; collective bargaining; accreditation; and students' rights and freedoms. A section on contingent faculty appointments has been updated with new statistical information, and the edition features newly rewritten versions of two existing Redbook statements: Academic Freedom and Outside Speakers and the Statement on Online Education. Nine documents are included for the first time, including four on academic governance—Confidentiality and Faculty Representation in Academic Governance, Faculty Evaluation of Administrators, Faculty Communication with Governing Boards: Best Practices, and On the Use of Executive Recruiters in Presidential Searches—and a 2024 statement on achieving racial justice in higher education, On Eliminating Discrimination and Achieving Equality in Higher Education.
An introductory essay discusses how to incorporate AAUP principles into faculty handbooks. See the table of contents.
Ordering Information
Hardcover, paperback, and e-book versions of the twelfth edition of the Redbook can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press, which publishes and distributes this volume for the AAUP. To order, visit For questions or assistance, call 410-516-6965 or 800-537-5487.
AAUP and AFT members are entitled to a 30% discount off of the cover prices ($59.95 for hardcovers and e-books or $49.95 for paperbacks) for purchases made directly through the Johns Hopkins University Press website. Just use the code HWUP at check-out to receive your discount.
Rights and Permissions
Permission to reprint items from the Redbook is handled by Johns Hopkins University Press, which publishes and distributes this volume for the AAUP.