Committee on Women in the Academic Profession

Sexual Harassment: Suggested Policy and Procedures for Handling Complaints

Statement proposing policy and procedures for colleges and universities that wish to formulate a statement of policy on sexual harassment that is separate from existing grievance policies and procedures.

Statement of Principles on Family Responsibilities and Academic Work

Statement addressing some of the current issues facing faculty members as they seek to integrate family obligations and academic work.  It recommends principles and guidelines for formulating appropriate policies and practices regarding family leaves, modified teaching schedules, "stopping the tenure clock," and institutional assistance for family responsibilities.


The AAUP Pays Tribute to Two Feminist Scholars

By 1970, most faculty members, men and women alike, had begun to recognize that improvements in the status of women were needed. The AAUP responded by reconstituting Committee W on the Status of Women in the Academic Profession—a committee that was founded in 1918 but had been inactive for decades. This year, the AAUP pays tribute to two women, Alice Rossi (1922–2009) and Maita Levine (1930–2008), who played key roles in the committee’s work and in advancing the interests of women in the academy.

Partner-Accommodation Recommendations

The AAUP’s Committee on Women in the Academic Profession recently released Recommendations on Partner Accommodation and Dual-Career Appointments, continuing its decades-long work promoting gender equity and work-family balance in the academy. The recommendations provide assistance to professors and administrators in view of the increasing likelihood that faculty members, particularly women faculty members, will have domestic partners or spouses who are also academics and that they will seek appointments at the same institution.

Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures

The AAUP’s Committee on Women in the Academic Profession has issued a statement about the serious and continuing problem of sexual assault on campus.  The statement, adopted by the Association’s Council at its November 2012 meeting, represents the work of a subcommittee on sexual assault formed to research the issue thoroughly; meanwhile, recent events have highlighted its importance and perhaps underlined the need for its wide distribution and careful consideration. The statement, Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures, reviews the scope of the problem, cites the frequently disappointing evidence about current campus practices and preparedness, analyzes the legal issues at stake, and gives special attention to faculty responsibilities.

Statement on Campus Sexual Assault

Statement reviewing the scope of the sexual harassment on campus, the frequently disappointing evidence about current campus practices and preparedness, the legal issues at stake, and giving special attention to faculty responsibilities.

Faculty Appointment and Family Relationship

Statement urging the discontinuance of anti-nepotism policies and practices, and the rescinding of laws and institutional regulations that perpetuate them.

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