Hi! Okay, spoiler alert! In this exciting PowerPoint, I take you along on this stuffed bear’s journey as a “Brand Ambassador” at Brooklyn’s one and only, very special two-year college. I show you what it is like behind the scenes as a cuddly cheerleader for diversity! And for student success! And fundraising! And sometimes even for cupcakes! But—I’m not gonna lie—I also share a bit with you about the doubts I sometimes have about my workplace and my job there. Like why does a public school fundraise? Why are our air conditioners broken? What is this “academic freedom” thing about, and how does it relate to me? Also, am I maybe just a cog in the administrative machine?
Wavy the Bear
Senior Stuffed Brand Ambassador
Kingsborough Community College
The City University of New York
Download the PowerPoint Can the Managerial Technique Speak? or view it below.