2024 AAUP Updates

02.14.2024 | AAUP Signs Labor Movement Call for Ceasefire

We, along with other members of the American labor movement, mourn the loss of life in Israel and Palestine. We express our solidarity with all workers and our common desire for peace in Palestine and Israel, and we call on President Joe Biden and Congress to push for an immediate ceasefire and end to the siege of Gaza. Read the whole statement.

02.14.2024 | AAUP Receives Mellon Grant for Academic Freedom Center

The AAUP has received a grant from the Mellon Foundation to establish a Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, with the aim of examining and confronting the recent surge of political and ideological attacks on American higher education.

02.08.2024 | The Time Is Now to Resist Political Interference

The AAUP released a statement today commenting on the recent US House Committee on Education and the Workforce demand for documents and information from the University of Pennsylvania on attempts to curb antisemitism. The statement calls on administrators, faculties, trustees, and all who care about higher education as a public good in a democracy to resist political interference and reaffirm their commitments to academic freedom, freedom of expression, shared governance, and institutional autonomy.

02.01.2024 | New Campus Free Speech FAQ

New guidance is out from the AAUP and AFT to help our members navigate campus free speech and academic freedom in politically charged contexts.

01.23.2024 | New Resource on Political Interference

After identifying four trends in political interference in higher education, a new statement on political interference suggests practical ways faculty members can counteract legislative interference and includes a sample resolution faculty members can adopt to call upon university administration to safeguard AAUP-supported principles and standards of academic freedom, tenure, and governance.

01.11.2024 | New Statement on Discrimination and Equality

The statement appears at a time when fierce assaults on higher education are threatening the progress made on racial and gender equality. Discriminatory attacks on efforts to advance knowledge about race, gender, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability are inseparable from a larger and even more dangerous campaign against core academic values—including shared governance, academic freedom, and tenure—and learning itself.

01.11.2024 | The AAUP Invites Applications for Executive Director

The AAUP is seeking qualified candidates for the position of executive director in our Washington, DC, office. Application packets and resumes for this position will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Screening will continue until the position is filled. This position requires a commitment to racial equity and involves working with diverse individuals both inside and outside of the AAUP office.

Learn more.
