Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure

Statement of Principles on Family Responsibilities and Academic Work

Statement addressing some of the current issues facing faculty members as they seek to integrate family obligations and academic work.  It recommends principles and guidelines for formulating appropriate policies and practices regarding family leaves, modified teaching schedules, "stopping the tenure clock," and institutional assistance for family responsibilities.


Nonreappointment & Full-Time Renewable Term Appointments

Report addressing the applicability of the Standards for Notice of Nonreappointment to all full-time faculty members on renewable term appointments.

Institutional Review Boards and Social Science Research

Report addressing the government’s rules for protecting human beings who are the subjects of social science research.  It offers suggestions for the improvement of IRB practices and recommendations.

Research on Human Subjects: Academic Freedom and the Institutional Review Board

2006 report addressing aspects of the federal government’s regulations for research on human subjects that constitute a threat to academic freedom.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Greenville College

Report concerning due process and academic freedom at Greenville College, a religiously affiliated institution.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: New Mexico Highlands University

Report concerning tenure denial, academic freedom, due process and the role of faculty in governance at New Mexico Highlands University

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Virginia State University

Report dealing with actions taken by the administration of Virginia State University to dismiss two tenured members of the faculty after subjecting each of them to a post-tenure review process.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Philander Smith College

Report concerning the dismissal of a professor on stated grounds of insubordination; the termination of the appointments of four other full-time faculty members on stated grounds of need to reduce the size of the college's faculty and staff; and the earlier termination of the services of a program director who sought the assistance of the Association based upon her faculty function of teaching courses at the college.

Academic Freedom and Tenure: Medaille College

Report concerning improper dismissal procedures at Medaille College.

Professors of Practice

Report addressing a category of full-time non-tenure-track faculty appointments known as “professors of practice.”  It recommends, in accordance with Association principles, that these faculty members be accorded tenure's protections.


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